Source code for phrydy.field_docs

from typing import Literal, List, Any, Dict, TypedDict
from typing_extensions import NotRequired

categories = {
    'common': 'Common metadata fields',
    'music_brainz': 'MusicBrainz and fingerprint information',
    'audio': 'Audio information',
    'date': 'Date related',
    'rg': 'ReplayGain',
    'r128': 'EBU R 128',

[docs]class FieldDoc(TypedDict): description: str category: Literal['common', 'date', 'audio', 'music_brainz', 'rg', 'r128'] data_type: NotRequired[Literal['int', 'str', 'float', 'list', 'bool', 'bytes']] examples: NotRequired[List[Any]]
FieldDocCollection = Dict[str, FieldDoc] fields: FieldDocCollection = { # acoustid_fingerprint: None # acoustid_id : None # album : the album # albumartist : the album artist # albumartist_credit : None # albumartist_sort : None # albumartists : [] # albumdisambig : None # albumstatus : None # albumtype : None # arranger : None # art : None # artist : the artist # artist_credit : None # artist_sort : None # artists : [] # asin : None 'acoustid_fingerprint': { 'description': 'Acoustic ID fingerprint', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'data_type': 'str', }, 'acoustid_id': { 'description': 'Acoustic ID', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['86e217b7-d3ad-4493-a9f2-cf71256ace07'], }, 'album': { 'description': 'album', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['Help!'], }, 'albumartist': { 'description': 'The artist for the entire album, which may be ' + 'different from the artists for the individual tracks', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['The Beatles'], }, 'albumartist_credit': { 'description': 'albumartist_credit', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', }, 'albumartist_sort': { 'description': 'albumartist_sort', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['Beatles, The'], }, 'albumartists': { 'description': 'albumartists', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'list', }, # 'albumdisambig': { 'description': 'The disambiguation album field helps to distinguish between ' 'identically named albums. The album “Weezer” for example has the ' 'disambiguation comments “Red Album” and “Green Album”.', 'category': 'common', }, 'albumstatus': { 'description': 'The status describes how "official" a release is.', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['official', 'promotional', 'bootleg', 'pseudo-release'], }, 'albumtype': { 'description': 'The MusicBrainz album type; the MusicBrainz wiki ' + 'has a list of type names', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['album/soundtrack'], }, 'arranger': { 'description': 'A musician who creates arrangements.', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', }, 'art': { 'description': 'Legacy album art field.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': [b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00'] }, 'artist': { 'description': 'artist', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['The Beatles'], }, 'artist_credit': { 'description': 'The track-specific artist credit name, which may ' + 'be a variation of the artist’s “canonical” name', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', }, 'artist_sort': { 'description': 'The “sort name” of the track artist.', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['Beatles, The', 'White, Jack'], }, 'artists': { 'description': 'artists', 'category': 'common', 'examples': [['a-ha'], ['Anouk', 'Remon Stotijn']] }, 'asin': { 'description': 'Amazon Standard Identification Number', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['B000002UAL'], }, # barcode : None # bitdepth : 0 # bitrate : 80000 # bitrate_mode : # bpm : 6 'barcode': { 'description': 'There are many different types of barcode, but the ' 'ones usually found on music releases are two: ' '1. Universal Product Code (UPC), which is the ' 'original barcode used in North America. ' '2. European Article Number (EAN)', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['5028421931838', '036000291452'], }, 'bitdepth': { 'description': 'only available for some formats', 'category': 'audio', 'examples': [16], }, 'bitrate': { 'description': 'in kilobits per second, with units: e.g., “192kbps”', 'category': 'audio', 'examples': [436523, 256000], }, 'bitrate_mode': { 'description': 'bitrate_mode', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['CBR'] }, 'bpm': { 'description': 'Beats per Minute', 'category': 'common', }, # catalognum : None # channels : 1 # comments : the comments # comp : True # composer : the composer # composer_sort : None # copyright : None # country : None 'catalognum': { 'description': 'This is a number assigned to the release by the ' + 'label which can often be found on the spine or near ' + 'the barcode. There may be more than one, especially ' + 'when multiple labels are involved. This is not the ' + 'ASIN — there is a relationship for that — nor the ' + 'label code.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['CDP 7 46439 2'], }, 'channels': { 'description': 'channels', 'category': 'audio', 'data_type': 'int', 'examples': [1, 2], }, 'comments': { 'description': 'comments', 'category': 'common', }, 'comp': { 'description': 'Compilation flag', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'bool', 'examples': [True, False], }, 'composer': { 'description': 'The name of the composer.', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['Ludwig van Beethoven'], }, 'composer_sort': { 'description': 'The composer name for sorting.', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['Beethoven, Ludwig van'], }, 'copyright': { 'description': 'copyright', 'category': 'common', }, 'country': { 'description': 'The country the release was issued in.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['NL'], }, # date : 2001-01-01 # day : None # disc : 4 # disctitle : None # disctotal : 5 'date': { 'description': 'The release data of the specific release.', 'category': 'date', 'examples': ['1996-01-01'], }, 'day': { 'description': 'The release day of the specific release.', 'category': 'date', }, 'disc': { 'description': 'disc', 'category': 'common', 'examples': [1], }, 'disctitle': { 'description': 'disctitle', 'category': 'common', }, 'disctotal': { 'description': 'disctotal', 'category': 'common', 'examples': [1], }, # encoder : iTunes v7.6.2 # encoder_info : # encoder_settings : 'encoder': { # 'description': 'the name of the person or organisation that encoded the audio ' 'file. This field may contain a copyright message, if the audio ' 'file also is copyrighted by the encoder.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['iTunes v7.6.2'], }, 'encoder_info': { 'description': 'encoder_info', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['LAME 3.92.0+'], }, 'encoder_settings': { 'description': 'encoder_settings', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['-b 255+'], }, # format : MP3 'format': { 'description': 'e.g., “MP3” or “FLAC”', 'category': 'audio', 'examples': ['MP3', 'FLAC'] }, # genre : the genre # genres : ['the genre'] # grouping : the grouping 'genre': { 'description': 'genre', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['Rock'] }, 'genres': { 'description': 'genres', 'category': 'common', 'examples': [['Rock']] }, 'grouping': { # 'description': 'A content group, which is a collection of media items ' 'such as a CD boxed set.', 'category': 'common', }, # images : [] # initial_key : None # isrc : None 'images': { 'description': 'images', 'category': 'common', 'examples': [['<mediafile.Image object at 0x7f51fce26b20>']], }, 'initial_key': { # 'description': 'The Initial key frame contains the musical key in ' 'which the sound starts. It is represented as a ' 'string with a maximum length of three characters. ' 'The ground keys are represented with "A","B","C",' '"D","E", "F" and "G" and halfkeys represented with ' '"b" and "#". Minor is represented as "m".', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['Dbm'] }, 'isrc': { 'description': 'The International Standard Recording Code, ' 'abbreviated to ISRC, is a system of codes that ' 'identify audio and music video recordings.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['CAC118989003', 'ITO101117740'] }, # label : the label # language : None # length : 1.071 # lyricist : None # lyrics : the lyrics 'label': { 'description': 'The label which issued the release. There may be ' + 'more than one.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['Brilliant Classics', 'wea'], }, 'language': { 'description': 'The language a release’s track list is written in. ' + 'The possible values are taken from the ISO 639-3 ' + 'standard.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['zxx', 'eng'], }, 'length': { 'description': 'The length of a recording in seconds.', 'category': 'audio', 'examples': [674.4666666666667], }, 'lyricist': { # 'description': 'The writer of the text or lyrics in the recording.', 'data_type': 'str', 'category': 'common', }, 'lyrics': { # 'description': 'The lyrics of the song or a text transcription of ' 'other vocal activities.', 'data_type': 'str', 'category': 'common', }, # media : None # month : None # mb_albumartistid : None # mb_albumartistids : [] # mb_albumid : 9e873859-8aa4-4790-b985-5a953e8ef628 # mb_artistid : 7cf0ea9d-86b9-4dad-ba9e-2355a64899ea # mb_artistids : ['7cf0ea9d-86b9-4dad-ba9e-2355a64899ea'] # mb_releasegroupid : None # mb_releasetrackid : c29f3a57-b439-46fd-a2e2-93776b1371e0 # mb_trackid : 8b882575-08a5-4452-a7a7-cbb8a1531f9e # mb_workhierarchy_ids: None # mb_workid : None 'mb_albumartistid': { 'description': 'MusicBrainz album artist ID.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'data_type': 'str', 'examples': ['1f9df192-a621-4f54-8850-2c5373b7eac9', 'b972f589-fb0e-474e-b64a-803b0364fa75'], }, 'mb_albumartistids': { 'description': 'MusicBrainz album artist IDs as a list.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': [ ['b972f589-fb0e-474e-b64a-803b0364fa75', 'dea28aa9-1086-4ffa-8739-0ccc759de1ce', 'd2ced2f1-6b58-47cf-ae87-5943e2ab6d99'] ], 'data_type': 'list', }, 'mb_albumid': { 'description': 'MusicBrainz album ID.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': ['fd6adc77-1489-4a13-9aa0-32951061d92b'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'mb_artistid': { 'description': 'MusicBrainz artist ID.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': ['1f9df192-a621-4f54-8850-2c5373b7eac9'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'mb_artistids': { 'description': 'MusicBrainz artist IDs as a list.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': [['1f9df192-a621-4f54-8850-2c5373b7eac9']], 'data_type': 'list', }, 'mb_releasegroupid': { 'description': 'MusicBrainz releasegroup ID.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': ['f714fd70-aaca-4863-9d0d-2768a53acaeb'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'mb_releasetrackid': { 'description': 'MusicBrainz release track ID.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': ['38c8c114-5e3b-484f-8af0-79c47ef9c169'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'mb_trackid': { 'description': 'MusicBrainz track ID.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': ['c390b132-4a44-4e16-bec3-bffbbcaa19aa'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'mb_workid': { 'description': 'MusicBrainz work ID.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': ['508ec4b1-9549-38cd-a61e-1f0d120a6118'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'mb_workhierarchy_ids': { 'description': 'All IDs in the work hierarchy. This field corresponds ' 'to the field `work_hierarchy`. The top level work ID ' 'appears first. A slash (/) is used as separator.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': ['e208c5f5-5d37-3dfc-ac0b-999f207c9e46 / ' '5adc213f-700a-4435-9e95-831ed720f348 / ' 'eafec51f-47c5-3c66-8c36-a524246c85f8'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'media': { 'description': 'A prototypical medium is one of the physical, separate things ' 'you would get when you buy something in a record store.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['CD'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'month': { 'description': 'The release month of the specific release.', 'category': 'date', 'examples': [11], 'data_type': 'int', }, # original_date : None # original_day : None # original_month : None # original_year : None 'original_date': { 'description': 'The release date of the original version of the ' 'album.', 'category': 'date', 'examples': ['1991-11-04'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'original_day': { 'description': 'The release day of the original version of the album.', 'category': 'date', 'examples': [4], 'data_type': 'int', }, 'original_month': { 'description': 'The release month of the original version of the ' + 'album.', 'category': 'date', 'examples': [11], 'data_type': 'int', }, 'original_year': { 'description': 'The release year of the original version of the ' 'album.', 'category': 'date', 'examples': [1991], 'data_type': 'int', }, # r128_album_gain : None # r128_track_gain : None # releasegroup_types : None # rg_album_gain : None # rg_album_peak : None # rg_track_gain : 0.0 # rg_track_peak : 0.000244 'r128_album_gain': { # 'description': 'An optional gain for album normalization. EBU R 128 is a ' 'recommendation for loudness normalisation and maximum level of ' 'audio signals.', 'category': 'r128', }, 'r128_track_gain': { # 'description': 'An optional gain for track normalization. EBU R 128 is a ' 'recommendation for loudness normalisation and maximum level of ' 'audio signals.', 'category': 'r128', }, 'releasegroup_types': { 'description': 'This field collects all items in the MusicBrainz’ API ' ' related to type: `type`, `primary-type and ' '`secondary-type-list`. Main usage of this field is to ' 'determine in a secure manner if the release is a ' 'soundtrack.', 'category': 'music_brainz', }, 'rg_album_gain': { 'description': 'ReplayGain Album Gain, ' 'see', 'category': 'rg', }, 'rg_album_peak': { 'description': 'ReplayGain Album Peak, ' 'see', 'category': 'rg', }, 'rg_track_gain': { 'description': 'ReplayGain Track Gain, ' 'see', 'category': 'rg', 'examples': [0.0], }, 'rg_track_peak': { 'description': 'ReplayGain Track Peak, ' 'see', 'category': 'rg', 'examples': [0.000244], }, # samplerate : 44100 # script : None 'samplerate': { 'description': 'The sample rate as an integer number.', 'category': 'audio', 'examples': [44100], 'data_type': 'int', }, 'script': { 'description': 'The script used to write the release’s track list. ' + 'The possible values are taken from the ISO 15924 ' + 'standard.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['Latn'], 'data_type': 'str', }, # title : full # track : 2 # tracktotal : 3 'title': { 'description': 'The title of a audio file.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['32 Variations for Piano in C minor on an Original ' 'Theme, WoO 80'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'track': { 'description': 'The track number.', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'int', 'examples': [1], 'data_type': 'int', }, 'tracktotal': { 'description': 'The total track number.', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'int', 'examples': [12], 'data_type': 'int', }, # url : None 'url': { 'description': 'Uniform Resource Locator.', 'category': 'common', 'data_type': 'str', }, # work : None # work_hierarchy : None 'work': { 'description': 'The Musicbrainzs’ work entity.', 'category': 'common', 'examples': ['32 Variations for Piano in C minor on an Original ' 'Theme, WoO 80'], 'data_type': 'str', }, 'work_hierarchy': { 'description': 'The hierarchy of works: The top level work appears ' 'first. As separator is this string used: -->.', 'category': 'music_brainz', 'examples': ['Die Zauberflöte, K. 620 --> Die Zauberflöte, ' 'K. 620: Akt I --> Die Zauberflöte, K. 620: Act I, ' 'Scene II. No. 2 Aria "Was hör ...'], 'data_type': 'str', }, # year : 2001 'year': { 'description': 'The release year of the specific release.', 'category': 'date', 'examples': [2001], 'data_type': 'int', }, } """ A multidimensional dictionary documenting all metadata fields. .. code-block:: python fields = { 'field': { 'description': 'Title', 'category': 'Category', }, } """